Denim jackets are great candidates for decorating with patches. The tough cotton withstands the hot iron necessary for iron on patches while remaining easy to sew by hand. You can put patches on other jackets as well and the process is the same. The steps for how to put patches on a jacket might involve both ironing and sewing. Although you don’t have to stitch your iron on patches, sewing them on ensures long-term attachment. For non-adhesive patches, you can skip the ironing steps.
The thimble helps you control the needle without poking your finger.
- Thimble (optional)
- Hand sewing needle (preferably “sharps” style size 2, 3, or 4)
- Thread
- Scissors
- Household iron
- Pressing cloth, like cotton pillowcase
- Ironing board or thick fabric pad
- Measuring tape
- Pins
How to Put Patches on a Jacket Step by Step
- Pin your decorative patch to the jacket.
- If you need to center a patch on the back of a jacket, measure across the back and find the halfway point.
- Put on the jacket and evaluate how the patch looks in a mirror. Adjust the position until you’re satisfied.
- For iron on patches, turn the iron to its highest heat setting but make sure that the steam remains off. (If a patch does not have heat-activated adhesive, proceed to Step 14.)
- Set up an ironing board or spread a thick cloth pad over a table.
- Lay the denim jacket flat on the board so that you can see the patch on the outside.
- Cover the patch with a cotton pressing cloth to protect your patch from scorching.
- Press the hot iron on the patch with downward pressure.
- Hold iron in place for 30 to 45 seconds unless patch directions specify a different amount of time.
- For large decorative patches, move the iron until you have pressed all of the patch’s surface area.
- Flip the jacket over to the inside.
- Cover with pressing cloth.
- Press the hot iron down on the inside of the jacket behind the patch.
- To sew on a patch, cut thread and thread your needle.
- If the patch has not been ironed on, repeat Steps 1 through 3.
- Start the running stitch by bringing the threaded needle up through the inside of the jacket and the edge of the patch. Keep stitches about 1/8 to 1/4 inch from edge.
- To complete the first stitch, poke the needle back down through the patch and fabric.
- Repeat the running stitches around the entire patch.
- Tie the thread off with a tight knot on the inside of the jacket.
Custom Jacket Patches for Your Group
The members of your social club, sports team, or other organization may want to discover the pleasure of patches too. Anyone can learn how to put patches on a jacket, and decorate uniforms, bags, and jackets. American Patch can produce decorative patches from your original design. Simply send us your design. We can make custom decorative patches in almost all shapes or sizes.
Getting a production quote from American Patch is free. Before you approve production, you’ll get to see a free sample of the real physical patch. You can always expect premium quality patches from our company and free U.S. shipping. We’ll turn your order around quickly too. Purchase patches today and look great at your group’s next outing!