DIY This Valentine’s Day

diy valentine's day

With only a week and a half until Valentine’s Day, you may be wondering what to give that special someone. We say, why not give them something from the heart? Our embroidered patch company has compiled a list of great DIY gift ideas that will show your loved one he/she means more to you than just a box of chocolates:

Reasons Why I Love You

What you’ll need:
Mason jar
Index cards

Remind that special someone why you love them. Wrap some the twine around the center of a mason jar several times until you get the thickness you want. Then, glue to secure. Cut out a heart from the fabric and glue to the twine to conceal the glued end. After that, write down each reason why you love your significant other on index cards, fold them up, and fill the jar with the cards. You can even cut out a square of fabric and place it underneath the ring lid for a final touch.

Handmade Photo Frame

What you’ll need:
A plain, cut-out photo frame
Acrylic paints
Gloss finishing spray, if desired

What better way to showcase your love than in a unique, handmade photo frame? Choose one with a cut-out for your photo and a large surface area for you to paint. Then, choose a color scheme, design, or quote to paint onto the frame. Let dry completely, then spray with a gloss finishing spray, if desired. After it dries, place your favorite photo of you as a couple inside.

On-the-Hour Gifts

What you’ll need:
5-10 small gifts
Shipping labels
Gift wrap
A printer

Make your Valentine’s Day gift an all-day event by creating your own on-the-hour gifts. Choose 5-10 small gifts (such as your sweetie’s favorite candy bar, movie tickets, a fun pair of socks, etc.) and wrap each one in gift wrap. Then, create your own “open me” labels in a Word document and print them onto your shipping labels. Label each gift so that your loved one opens one every hour on the :14 (9:14, 10:14, 11:14, etc.). Just make sure they don’t skip ahead!

“I Love You Because” Board

What you’ll need:
A picture frame
A handmade print
A whiteboard marker

Even though you’ll be giving this gift to your loved one, it’s one that you can both use. Choose your favorite picture frame and create a print (either using a program or by hand) that fits inside. Write “I love you because” and leave a few lined spaces to fill in. Then, attach the whiteboard marker. Once your special someone opens it, you can set it somewhere where you both can see it and take turns writing down reasons you love each other.

Pies in a Jar

What you’ll need:
3 4-ounce mason jars
Pie crust dough
12 ounces of various pie fillings
1 large egg, beaten

Who doesn’t love sweet treats on Valentine’s Day? (Especially when they’re homemade.) Skip the cookies and cupcakes and opt for some pie instead. Roll out your pie crust to be about 1/8″ thick and line each of your mason jars with it. With the remainder, use a knife or a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut out six hearts that will be your “toppers.” Fill each mason jar with your desired pie filling, then place the jars on a cookie sheet. Bake at 325 degrees for 30-35 minutes, or until dough becomes a light golden color. Top each jar with a heart and brush with egg wash. Return to the oven for another 10-15 minutes. Let the pies cool, then pop on the lid and attach a sweet gift tag.

Thoughtful Libations

What you’ll need:
Your special someone’s favorite beer, wine, or liquor
Festive scrapbook paper
Handmade gift tag

If your special someone is a fan of libations, turn their favorite beer, wine, or liquor into a gift-worthy presentation. Simply tape or glue your festive scrapbook paper around a bottle of wine, a bottle of liquor, or around the cardboard of a six-pack box. Then, create a pretty handmade gift tag and use some ribbon to tie it onto the neck of the bottle. Voila – a gift-worthy libation!